Food supplements

Can stimulate hair growth, in case of deficiencies
No proven effects

Food supplements (vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, plants) in certain cases (deficiencies) can strengthen the hair root and activate micro-circulation in the follicular bulb.


But prior medical advice is highly recommended.


INDICATIONS : These treatments may be indicated in case of proven deficiency, or in case of transient moderate hair loss, and especially in women.



  • Vitamins : prescribed by intramuscular injection or tablets to take by mouthb; B7 / B8 (biotin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) are the most common. 
  • Trace elements : copper, iron, magnesium.
  • Amino acids containing sulfur and forming part of the hair keratin (cysteine, methionine ...).
  • Some plants have anti DHT effects (dihydrotestosterone) as saw palmetto, Pygeum africanum, the Klamath Lake (Oregon) algae, green tea, nettle root, Serenoa Repen, etc ..



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