
Drs Carmen Tirado, Malaga, Spain

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Calle Salitre, 36, Distrito Centro - Málaga - 29002 - (Spain)
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Clinic in Málaga  : 

  • Doctor Carmen Tirado is a hair restoration specialist, tricologist and aesthetic doctor
  • Studied at the University of Madrid and at the University of Malaga.
  • Masters in hair science and aesthetic medicine, complemented by advanced courses, such as the technique of long hair extraction.
  • Doctor Tirado has performed hundreds of hair transplants, offering her patients some innovative and personalized solutions.



International patients :

  • the team speaks English




Consultation  : €85 (First consultation free of charge)

Hair loss treatments :

  • PRP: 150€ 
  • Mesotherapy 150€

Hair transplant surgery :

  • 1000 to 1500 grafts + 2 PRP post surgery: 2295 euros 
  • 1500 to 2500 grafts + 2 PRP post surgery: 2795 euros
  • 2500 to 3000 grafts + 3 PRP post surgery: 3295 euros
  • 3000 to 3500 grafts + 3 PRP post surgery: 3495 euros 
  • >3500 grafts + 3 PRP post surgery: 3995 euros 
  • 2 days surgery: + 2295 euros


Hair treatments :

  • Oral treatment : Include medications to combat hair loss, as well as vitamins and minerals that promote hair health and health.
  • Capillary biostimulation (PRP) : treatment that involves the centrifugation of a patient's blood test to concentrate the plaques and crecimiento factors. This plaque treatment is injected into the hair to stimulate hair follicles and improve hair regeneration.
  • Hair mesoterapia : a procedure that consists of injecting a mixture of medications, vitamins and minerals directly into the hair. It is proposed to improve hair health, increase growth and reduce the density by proportioning essential nutrients and improve local circulation. 
  • Hair laser : a non-invasive technique that uses low intensity laser light to stimulate hair follicles and improve circulation in the hair.



Surgeries :

  • Hair transplant : Dr. Carmen Tirado herself performs the design of the hairline, the incisions, or the direct implantation (DHI). She is present during the entire surgery, including the steps that are performed by her two specialized assistants, Marta and Saray..
  • Eyebrow transplant
  • Partial shave
  • Correction of previous surgeries
  • Scars repair
FUE, hair transplantation (1000 - 3500 injertos) 2295 € - 3995 €
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